i wonder why, i write only when i am brimming with emotions; either of sadness or happiness..
right now i am happy! happy because for the first time i achieved something ON MY OWN..no approaches, nothing! MY CV got accepted in Anand and Anand! I feel so elated...so..i don't even have words...
I never knew i could do anything on my own caliber... i had taken for granted, i would need help, help of my parents or my friends anyone but i couldn't believe i could do any such thing on my own...
Thank you, Anand & Anand....for giving me the confidence, a new high...something to be proud of..
Sana thinks that luck is nothing...you, your own self is everything..i strongly beg to differ.. i am lucky cz i have an amzing an supportive family. Often i look at a street kid and wonder what life that kid is leading...he would stare at other little kids with jealousy and awe, a kid being pampered n spoiled by his parents, little knowing that this very kid may not even feel any bit of emotion for these very parents or for that matter grow up, move away and leave those parents to rot in an old age home...
life is weird...