Thursday, July 31, 2008


life gives you a thousand reasons to smile and a thousand more to important phase of life ends and brings with it few tears, some fond memories and some treasured be remembered forever...
it also brings with itself, apprehensions, nervousness, excitement and fear...fear of trodding down an unknown path, fear of coming across strangers, new people, fear of leaving the comfort zone...and venturing into unfamiliar territory...
every change is apprehended, questioned, doubted amd frowned upon...even if its for the better...
i remember leaving Suri & Co. with so much uncertainity and fear...with my mind full of scary thoughts....apprehensions....and wondering what was in store for me......

but that was a very wonderful change...loved every minute spent there :)
maybe most of the changes that happen are for the best :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Everyday, i come to office, stare at the computer screen and watch, play, research, chat or simply and idiotically browse the net...see others pictures or mine. And everynight i sleep, i do not feel discontent, i wonder how and why. I wonder whether i have gotten into the habit of simply lazing around doing nothing. Its not funny! Everyday i decide i have to do something meaningful, finish one task, but i return back home everyday, with zero knowledge and full wastage of time. Is this the reason why i love coming to this office? Because i get appreciation for work without much effort, or the fact that i get ti sit with people who are interesting and funny! But where does that leave my personal growth? Right there on the backseat, sitting happily behind everything else, even those which are irrelevant.
Perhaps its time i grew up.

Monday, July 14, 2008

ironies of life

me, mom and dad have been counting the ironies of life lately, and maybe we have started noticing them just now, but they seem to spring out from everywhere!

Mom told me that when she was young, she never came across any ironies, probably because she never got any two extreme situations to compare..

Dad is shifting to Mumbai very soon...look at the irony, we'l be here in Delhi and he'll be there...n now when he'l get free early, n come back home at 6, he'll just have the walls to talk to...weird isn't it..
when finally we got a new car..there isn't anyone to drive it...
when the age is for mom to sit back and relax, she'll be hunting for a new job in b'bay...

it seems that i have forgotten the ironies of life that i silently counted in my head....will be back for the rest...