Saturday, August 4, 2007

this is life...sigh...

Why do friends take you for granted? Why do they value their respective girlfriends or boyfriends and treat them as precious gems…and take their friends for ride thinking that they are always going to be matter what…and in the process they forget that you are also capable of getting hurt or you might also feel bad.

I guess at the end of the day you are ALONE…no one actually cares enough to be there for you…why does this simple truth takes so long to sink in? Why don’t we have enough courage to accept this little fact?

Why do you give everything to a relationship and still at the end of the day all that you get in return is accusations and fingers pointing at you that YOU haven’t been a good friend….why do you go out of your way to help your friends in need, when they need a shoulder to cry on and when you need them..they are too busy in their lives to actually be there for you…

Is it just my life or it happens with everybody???

I guess at the end of the day all what I receive after giving so much love and loyalty to my friends are tears and a broken heart.

It hurts to think that your tears don’t matter to anyone…it hurts that YOU don’t matter to anyone…

As they say this is life…

This is for two people who have been very close to me and who have hurt me beyond imagination….and still after everything ,I no I am stupid enough to be there for them whenever they need me…

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