I simply adore babies, for the simple reason that they are purely innocent, without any bad habits and without any prejudices and biases.They will gladly hop in your lap after initial apprehension, and won't care whether you are a Hindu or a Muslim or a servant or a rich man..
these little angels have an uncanny ability to make you forget your tensions and problems, the minute you see their smiling and innocent faces.
i wish to give birth...to bring out a new life from me..to be able to understand the joy or rather bliss of 'creating'...
Being a mother is the greatest joy for a woman and its really unfair that any woman should be deprived of this by nature...

there is a certain crudeness to everything you write,
which makes something inside me cringe,
perhaps its because of the fact, that rarely does one come across, such brutal honesty, without any fuckin consideration of what the reader will think, and just pure expression,
no ho hum,
no paraphernalia,
no flowery language,
no accessories
just the plain, unwrapped, undecorated feelings
this is due to the fact that no one actually knows my blog address...maybe one or two do..but thats about it...anyhow..these things are for me to read...not anyone else
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